
The St. George's Dinghy & Sports Club is a private members club located on the waterfront of St. George's Harbour in Bermuda. Offering a full range of facilities and an on location bar there is no better place for the visiting yachtsman to tie up alongside.
The StGDSC was founded in 1946 as a result of the amalgamation of several sports clubs by individuals that practiced different sports who wanted to combine and find a club house for social and sport related gatherings. In the beginning there was rugby, football, cricket, golf, tennis, water polo, rowing, and of course sailing.
The Bermuda Fitted Dinghy Victory IV sails under the Club’s Flag. The StGDSC is owned by the Full and Senior Members. The Club has numerous facilities available for it’s members and their guests., as well as visiting yachtsmen. There is a sports bar with big screen T.V.s, dart boards, pool table and snooker tables, free wireless internet, a marina with fresh water and shore power, laundry, showers, the use of barbecues and a balcony with the best views of St. George’s Harbor, especially at sunset. The Club hosts numerous sailing and social events over the year.

The Committee of Management 2024/25
COM Member ................................ Ellen Adams
COM Member ................................ Colleen English DeGrilla
COM Member ................................ Kimberly Hayward
COM Member ................................ Gilly Pitcher
COM Member ................................ Desmond DeShields
COM Member ................................ Trimaine Smith
COM Member ................................ Gilly Pitcher
COM Member ................................ Kristen Greene
COM Member ................................ Alexander Lavery
Commodore ..................................... Lacey Rance
Vice Commodore ............................ Arthur Adams
Secretary ........................................... Kim Greene
Treasurer .......................................... Margaret Powell
Immediate Past Commodore........ Herbert Siggins